Nursing school is a stressful and, at times, challenging experience. Pursuing a career as a nurse requires hard work and dedication to your education and career. The right tools and resources, combined with a solid support system, can help you make the experience rewarding. From creating a study plan to building a solid support system, the WVJC School of Nursing has ten tips to help you succeed.
Continue reading to discover our essential ten tips for navigating nursing school and setting yourself up for a positive academic experience!
1. Practice An Organization Method
Organization and multitasking are crucial skills throughout your nursing education and into your career, so developing these soft skills while in school can help you find a method that works for you. Registered nurses often work in fast-paced environments where attention to detail is critical. Honing these organizational skills during your education can help you stay focused in times of stress and help you in your nursing career and personal life.
2. Set Clear Goals
Setting clear and attainable goals throughout your nursing education is an excellent way to help you stay motivated and celebrate your accomplishments. We suggest using the SMART goals strategy, which allows you to work toward larger goals by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps. A helpful online tool to help you develop your SMART goal is Zapier’s smart goal generator. You’ll answer prompts about your goals, and the chatbot will help you grow your ideas into achievable goals.
3. Utilize A Personal Planner
A personal planner may be a great tool if you are a student who thrives on visual organization and lists. Having a personal planner to track your assignments, clinicals, work schedule, and other important tasks at your fingertips can help you manage your time and remember important dates at a glance.
4. Make Your Education A Priority
An accelerated Nursing program is challenging but entirely possible with a commitment to your education. Starting nursing school knowing that you have to put in effort to be successful can help you get in the right mindset to complete your schooling. Going to your classes and labs, reading the required materials, and completing your assignments are crucial not only to your grades but also to your overall educational experience. Being well-prepared and actively participating in your training and discussions will enhance your learning experience and better prepare you for your nursing career.
5. Join A Study Group
An excellent asset to helping you along your academic journey is developing relationships with those working toward the same goal: your classmates. Forming study groups with other students is a helpful way to gain different perspectives, practice your skills, study, bounce ideas back and forth, and build a professional network before graduating.
6. Develop A Solid Routine And Stick To It
Developing a routine that allows you to balance your education with your personal life when furthering your education is important. Your routine should allow time for studying, attending classes and labs, completing assignments, and other school-related tasks. In addition, it is also important to allot time for yourself; self-care activities and time spent with friends and family can help you achieve a good balance between college and life.
7. Build Your Support System
Having a solid support system can make managing the demands of nursing school easier. Having a support network to help you with daily tasks like childcare, cooking, and emotional support can help you focus on schooling and not become overwhelmed. Your support system could consist of classmates, professors, and other faculty members who can provide guidance and advice, as well as family and close friends who can help you in your personal life.
8. Prioritize Self-Care
The demands of nursing school can sometimes make it difficult to prioritize yourself. But remember that it is essential to care for yourself; you can’t pour from an empty cup. By prioritizing self-care, eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and engaging in physical activity, you can help “fill your cup” and improve your well-being. Remember, caring for yourself is a necessity, not a luxury.
9. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help
It is crucial to remember that you are not alone in this challenging season of life. Nursing school can be stressful and sometimes create feelings of isolation. As a WVJC School of Nursing student, you have access to support services that are designed to help guide you through academic and personal challenges. Ask for help if you feel you are struggling with the demands of nursing school, whether to our academic support team, your friends and family, or a trusted healthcare provider.
10. Keep A Positive Mindset
Keeping a positive mindset during times of stress can be the difference between a positive educational experience and a negative one. When you feel overwhelmed with your nursing school responsibilities, consider why you decided to begin this journey. The path to becoming a nurse can be demanding, but it is a temporary step toward your dream career!
Achieve Your Dreams Of A Nursing Career!
At WVJC School of Nursing, we understand that the journey to becoming a Registered Nurse* can be challenging, so we are dedicated to providing our student nurses with the support they need while navigating nursing school.
Join the WVJC family for your nursing education! Get started today and speak to a nursing admissions team member about your goals by requesting information.
*Passing the NCLEX-RN exam is required to become a Registered Nurse.