
6 Study Tips For Students

Here are some study tips for successful study sessions for all types of students!

6 Study Tips For Students
Students come in all shapes and sizes when it comes to study techniques. Because of this, it is important for us to consider things that might be useful to students in various situations. Our goal in providing the list below is that it is a jumping-off point for students looking for some help on how to study. While these may not all apply to you, each point is worth considering and attempting to use in your study journey! Remember, your instructor, program director, orientation coordinator, academic deans, and career management directors are all available to help when you have questions, and they can all provide advice on how to be successful in their classes. Never forget that you have a great support system here, and we are always happy to help!

1. Location! Location! Location!

Figuring out the most productive environment for your study sessions is key. Where do you find it easiest to study? Library? Bedroom? Bustling coffee shop? Kitchen? Office? Finding a study Space that works for you can enhance your study sessions. Remember, everybody studies and retains information differently, so it’s okay if something that works for a classmate doesn’t work for you. You do what’s best for you!

2. Noise!… How much is too much?

Similar to the above tip about location, some students work best with complete silence, while others need some background noise to help them focus. It is important to know what level of noise you are able to tolerate before it pulls your focus during a study session. If you work best with privacy and silence, a library or a quiet bedroom may be best for you. But if you notice you are easily distracted in a quiet environment, maybe a bustling coffee shop might work better for you.

3. Take breaks!

A five to ten-minute break every hour or so can help you focus and retain information during a study session. Take a walk, stretch, listen to some music, write in a journal, draw something, get a snack, or call a friend or family member to help you step away for a bit. Breaking your study sessions into chunks may help them feel less daunting, and you may be surprised by how much information you can retain in a short period.

4. Have regular check-ins!

Checking in with yourself periodically during a study session is crucial. You can check in to see if you are tired, thirsty, irritable, etc. Also, checking in to see what information you retained is also important. Quizzing yourself after a particular topic can tell you if you need to review that topic a bit more or if it is time to move on to the next topic.

5. Consider what time of day you are studying!

Studying in the morning can give you the rest of the day to practice active recall as well as digest all of the information you consume. But as we stated earlier, tricks that work for some students might not work for all students. If you are not a morning person or you work during the day, studying at night time might be best for you. Some argue that consuming information before bed can help as our memory processing is active during sleep.

6. Set realistic goals for your study sessions!

Setting an attainable goal will help you stay focused on what you need to complete and provide reinforcement for achieving those goals. Before a study session, think about or write down what you would like to accomplish by the end of the session. Once you are done studying, check in with yourself to see if you were able to achieve those goals, and keep a note of what you need to do in the next study session.

We hope you’ve found these study tips for all students helpful! If you’re looking for a college that offers you academic support that is personalized to you, then WVJC Online may be a great choice for you! Learn more about our online program offerings at wvjc.edu!