Elizabeth Cross is set to graduate in June 2019 with her Clinical Medical Assistant Degree from WVJC-Bridgeport. Her excitement to graduate and begin a career in the medical field is visible. Prior to Elizabeth attending WVJC, she worked as an assistant pre-school teacher at a local daycare. Even though she enjoyed working with children, Elizabeth knew that she wanted more. She knew she was passionate about working with children, but also that she wanted to be in the medical field.
After some thought, Elizabeth knew it was time to continue her education. She says, “I chose WVJC because of the small classes and because everyone was so friendly.” Also, being a mother of 3 children, she needed a college that allowed her to finish her degree in a short period of time. Elizabeth knew that starting a career in 18 months was better than a four-year degree for her family and her. Elizabeth has always had the desire to be in the medical field and the Medical Assisting program was the right fit for her and her life at this time. She says, “I have always felt better as a person helping people, and have always enjoyed the happy feeling I get in my heart, when I know that I have made someone better, or their day better.”
When talking about WVJC, Elizabeth said, “My favorite part about attending WVJC is how comfortable I am with the small classrooms. The teachers really try to reach out and help you with something you might be struggling with.” Elizabeth has two favorite instructors at WVJC— Ms. Wygal and Mrs. Golden. They are both dedicated to their work and making sure that the students always strive to do their best. Elizabeth says, “My favorite class was Students Success Strategies (SSS). I feel like it is very beneficial to new students and Ms. Wygal and Mrs. Golden always make learning fun.”
Even though Elizabeth has several months before she graduates, she is already starting to think about her career. She says, “I know that my ideal job after graduation is working in a small doctor’s office with children.” Elizabeth is eager for graduation, but is also enjoying her journey learning all of the skills it takes to be a medical assistant. In five years, Elizabeth hopes to be working as a medical assistant and enjoying her life with her children and husband. She says, “One day I might even further my education and become a registered nurse.”