Kourtney Patrick was leading an exciting career as a Promotions Manager at WV Radio Corporation when she found out she was pregnant…..with twins! She was overjoyed at the news, but also knew it would be hard to keep up the demanding pace of live radio after the birth of her babies. Being on call 24/7, managing seven radio stations and overseeing all live events hosted by those stations – she was one busy woman!
After the birth of her twins, Kourtney decided not to go back to her job in radio. She wanted to be able to stay at home with her new babies and focus on being a wife and a mom. Four years later Kourtney was ecstatic to find out she was pregnant again. This time triplets were in her future! Needless to say, a household with 5 small children was sure to keep her on her toes!
When her children started school, Kourtney suddenly found herself with some free time again. She began thinking about working outside of the home, and started dreaming of what she would like to do. “I wanted a job that would be viable in any state; just in case we would ever have to move” Kourtney says. It was at this point she began thinking of a career in the Dental field. After doing a quick search she came upon our website and requested more information on our programs. The very next day she received a phone call from our Adult Admissions Representative, Kellie Moore, inviting her to the campus for an interview and a personal tour.
After finishing the campus tour, Kourtney knew this was where she was meant to be. “The atmosphere was so friendly, and everyone felt like a big family.” The class schedule could not have been any better either. A Monday–Thursday schedule with the earliest class starting at 8:00AM and the last class ending at 2:10PM. This would allow her to see her children off to school every morning and meet them at the bus stop each afternoon. Kourtney says, “It was perfect! I knew at that point God had definitely brought me to West Virginia Junior College.”
Kourtney says her favorite Instructor at WVJC has been Mrs. Rebecca Shamblin. “During the last six-week session, I had her for two back to back classes. She is such a good teacher and you never get bored listening to her.” Mrs. Rebecca Shamblin is the Dental Assisting Program Director here at the Charleston campus; she holds an Associates of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene as well as a Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree with a minor in English Literature. Mrs. Shamblin is also a Certified Dental Assistant and a Registered Dental Hygienist. If you have any kind of dental question, she is the lady to see!
When asked about her long-term goals, Kourtney responded, “I would love to work in a Pediatric Dentist Office. I know many people, especially children, fear having dental work done and I feel I could use my people skills to help ease the nervous patients. Also, I want to further my education and get my Orthodontic License.”
If you are interested in the Dental field, come check out our Dental Assisting Program at the West Virginia Junior College Charleston Campus! We would love to give you more information about our school and take you on a tour of our facility. Just listen to Kourtney’s advice, “Pursue the career you want. Don’t give up. Get your support system and do it!” Please call us at 304-345-2820 or request info to set up your own personal interview now!