Aaron Settle, known to his students as Mr. Settle, is an adjunct teacher at West Virginia Junior College Charleston, where he teaches general education and medical courses. He chose to work at WVJC because he wanted the opportunity to stay engaged with the medical community while helping students who are pursuing careers in the medical field. “Once I started teaching at WVJC, my reasons became much more meaningful. I truly enjoy the difference I believe I make in many of the students’ lives as they work toward their degree and certification goals. The students are certainly my favorite part about working at WVJC. There is nothing more enjoyable as a teacher than seeing students move from nervous new students to confident and educated graduates.”
Although he enjoys where he is right now, Mr. Settle says he still has plenty of personal and professional goals to meet. “Each day I see what I am doing, and the quality in which it is done, as part of my path to reach my next goal. If there is something I am doing personally or professionally that I believe is no longer serving the purpose of preparing me for my future goals, I quickly readjust so that I am constantly becoming better at what I am doing so I can achieve my next goal.
Want to know something interesting about Mr. Settle?
-He held the Teenage Division 198lb weight class WV Powerlifting Record for the Bench Press from 1991-2003. He loves bowling. He bowled a 300 game in 1997.
-He dreamed of making in on the PBA tour, but never held a high enough league average or won the appropriate number of tournaments. He hasn’t bowled in a league since 2008.
-His dream job is to be a stand-up comedian, (and actually be able to make a living doing it.)