
Nursing Preceptorships

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West Virginia Junior College-Bridgeport excels in preparing its students for careers after graduation. The practical nursing students and the registered nursing students are given the opportunity to pick an area of interest to complete their required hours of preceptorship. The college prides itself on giving the students the required experiences to mold a strong, educated nurse that facilities are proud to hire.

The practical nursing students are required to complete forty-three hours independently alongside an approved nurse in either a clinic setting, long-term care setting, or a hospital setting. The registered nursing students must complete one hundred forty-four hours independently with an approved registered nurse. The students select three areas of interest and are placed accordingly at various hospitals around the surrounding area.  

West Virginia Junior College-Bridgeport currently utilizes Grafton City Hospital, Ruby Memorial Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital, and United Hospital Center. We love our relationships with these hospitals and are excited to see our graduate nurses continue their careers in their facilities. 

The various facilities provide the opportunities to witness the students’ capabilities in action through the preceptorship. The students exhibit the strong nursing foundation they developed through their hard work in the classroom and clinical setting for future colleagues to witness. 

The area facilities love having our West Virginia Junior College– Bridgeport students, and our preceptor feedback is outstanding. One preceptor’s feedback at United Hospital Center states, “The West Virginia Junior College- Bridgeport student nurse comes to clinical days on time, prepared, ready to work, and always has a good attitude. She shows promising development towards the primary nurse role and has been able to plan out the shift, perform head to toe assessments, pass medications, and chart care provided adequately.”

Another nurse from St. Joseph’s Hospital says, “The West Virginia Junior College– Bridgeport student nurse was such an awesome person to precept. She has a strong foundation of base knowledge, is incredibly hardworking, and is always willing to go the extra mile to be the best nurse possible. I have repeatedly told my boss how wonderful she is and how we would be lucky to have her. I cannot wait to see what great things she will accomplish.” We are proud to know that our students represent us so well as a campus. 

To learn more about WVJC Bridgeport’s Nursing or Practical Nursing program, request information here!