Last week we covered the basics on how to find an online school that best fits your needs; if you haven’t read it, Click Here. This week we are going to dive into WVJC-Online Medical Office Administration degree.
“I don’t want to be the one giving shots, I want to be the one calling the shots”. Have you ever heard that statement before? Let’s think about it a minute… leadership, management, responsibility, knowledge in multiple areas, trust, organization…. These are all key traits and word used to describe that statement. But what are we really talking about? How do you get to a position like that and not have to deal with blood and body fluids?
Well, one way is to earn a degree in Medical Office Administration from WVJC-Online. This degree will help to build a solid foundation which employers are looking for. You will cover a vast array of knowledge dealing with topics including Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, and Medical Insurance and Coding. But that is just the starting point… There are so many others areas that will be covered. You will learn up-to-date computer programs being used in the medical field, how to ask questions and how to notate it. It sounds like a lot, and it is. Especially if you are going to school online and have other obligations, such as work and family, in your life. That is why you ask yourself the questions that we talked about in our first blog in this series.
There are some other traits that generally fit with a student in WVJC-Online Medical Office Administration degree. Now, this doesn’t mean that if you don’t have these traits, you can’t do the program… that is not what I’m saying. Do not come to my office and tell me that you rocked the Medical Office Administration Degree and have the organization skills of a hording squirrel, and expect me to be surprised. You will be successful if you choose to be. Ok, moving on to the traits. Because employers are looking for someone who is highly organized; the ability to keep track of paperwork physically, digitally, or both; as a natural trait will help. If you are one of those people who get excited about their filing system, are happy when they have everything in an order, and have a color coding system to check paperwork, then this may be a good degree for you. Another trait is being a detailed-orientated person. Being in the medical field requires you to pay attention to details. Let’s give an example; you get a SOAP note from the doctor, you write it for the patient’s records, but you put left leg instead of right leg…. Now the guys comes in for his surgery and the notes say we are slicing and dicing the wrong leg. YIKES!!!
If blood and guts are not for you, but you still what a rewarding career in the medical field, the Medical Office Administration degree from WVJC-Online may be a good fit for you. Earning your degree can put you on the path to calling the shots. As always, there are some personal traits that can help you get there, but as in everything, it is YOUR hard work and determination that will make you successful.
If you are interested in learning more about our online degrees here at WVJC-Online, call us at 304-296-8282 or request more information here HERE.
For important information about the educational debt, earnings, and completion rates of students who attended this program CLICK HERE