
Stephanie Williams – Staff Highlight

Meet WVJC Bridgeport Career Management Director Stephanie Williams

Stephanie Williams, a driven individual from a small rural town in West Virginia with a profound dedication to education and student success, traces her journey from Philip Barbour High School to her current role as Career Management Director at West Virginia Junior College. Here’s a glimpse into her inspiring story.

Stephanie Williams - Staff HighlightStephanie’s educational foundation began at Philip Barbour High School in Philippi, WV, where she graduated in 2012. Fueled by a passion for languages and political processes, she pursued higher education at West Virginia University after high school. She graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor’s Degree in the Arts in Foreign Languages and Linguistics, with a minor in Political Science.

Upon entering the workforce in 2017, Stephanie embarked on a dynamic career in banking. Starting as a teller, she swiftly moved through various roles encompassing customer service, lending, investments, management, compliance, debit card operations, collections, and titles. This diverse experience honed her professional skills and instilled a deep understanding of the financial industry’s intricacies.

In 2024, driven by a desire for greater fulfillment and impact, Stephanie transitioned to West Virginia Junior College as a Career Management Director. Here, she channels her expertise to assist students in securing meaningful employment aligned with their academic pursuits. Her role involves guiding students through resume building, job search strategies, and career planning, ensuring they are well-prepared for the professional world.

Stephanie’s dedication stems from her genuine passion for helping others succeed. Her favorite aspect of her current role is the direct interaction with students, witnessing their growth, and facilitating their journey toward a rewarding career path.

Stephanie’s relationship with her dogs extends beyond mere companionship; it embodies a deep emotional bond that enriches her daily life. For Stephanie, caring for her dogs goes beyond basic needs; it’s about nurturing their happiness and ensuring their well-being at all times. She invests time in activities that strengthen their bond, such as regular walks, playtime, and even training sessions that stimulate her pets and deepen their connection.

The unconditional love and loyalty her dogs offer are invaluable to Stephanie. They provide unwavering support and companionship. Their presence brings a sense of calm and joy to her life, constantly reminding her of the beauty of simplicity and the importance of cherishing every moment.

Stephanie’s commitment to her pets reflects her nurturing nature and ability to find fulfillment in caring for others, whether human or animal. Her dedication to their happiness underscores her belief in the profound impact of love and compassion in fostering a fulfilling life.

Stephanie’s path to success has not been without challenges. Growing up in poverty, she faced significant obstacles that could have deterred her from pursuing higher education. Yet, overcoming these hurdles, she views her college degree as her greatest accomplishment, a testament to her resilience and determination.

Looking forward, Stephanie is committed to expanding her impact within WVJC. Her ambition is to continue supporting students in every possible way, fostering their success and contributing to the community’s growth. She is committed to contributing to enhanced student support, community engagement, and educational innovation.

On a personal note, Stephanie reveals a lesser-known aspect of herself: she is an aspiring natural bodybuilder. Since February 2024, she has dedicated herself to rigorous training, with the goal of competing in her first competition by 2025. Fitness holds a special place in her life, providing physical strength, mental fortitude, and personal fulfillment.

Stephanie Williams embodies resilience, passion, and a steadfast commitment to making a difference. Her journey from graduation to WVJC Career Management Director is a testament to the transformative power of education and perseverance. Through her work and personal pursuits, Stephanie continues to inspire those around her, demonstrating that any obstacle can be overcome with dedication and passion.

Are you ready to take the next step toward a rewarding career? Enroll at West Virginia Junior College today!

Take advantage of our Career Management Services, where you’ll receive personalized guidance, job placement assistance, and the tools you need to succeed in the competitive job market.

Don’t wait—your future starts now at West Virginia Junior College. Request Information today and pave the way to a brighter tomorrow!