

7 Tips for High School Students

Transitioning from the structured environment of high school to the more specialized and career-focused atmosphere of a college like West Virginia Junior College is a significant step in your academic and professional journey. This transition necessitates thorough planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and successful adjustment. We have compiled 7 tips to help high … Read more

Career Management Tips

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond graduation? Transitioning from student life to the professional world can be both exhilarating and daunting. But fear not—the Career Management Department at WVJC is here to guide you through this pivotal phase of your journey! Navigating the job market may seem daunting, but with the expertise and support … Read more

Tips For College Students

Starting college can be overwhelming. WVJC asked our students to give some helpful tips to incoming students. Their responses were fantastic! From showing up to class to getting to know your instructors, they offered up numerous ways to find success as you begin your college journey. WVJC offers short-term, hands-on training programs for in-demand fields … Read more

Tips for Building Your Resume

If you’ve found yourself grappling with where to start when it comes to your resume, unsure of what to include, or realizing it’s been ages since you last updated your resume, you’re in the right place. And if you’ve never crafted a resume before, fear not – WVJC’s career management directors have got you covered, … Read more

5 Tips For WVJC Students

How to Be Successful Students Embarking on the college journey is an exhilarating experience filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery. It marks a significant transition in one’s life, ushering in newfound independence and pursuing academic passions. However, with the plethora of academic responsibilities such as lectures, assignments, and exams, coupled with extracurricular engagements … Read more

7 Self-Care Tips For Students This Valentine’s Day

Although Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, it is also an excellent opportunity to give yourself some much-deserved TLC! Self-care can help you feel recharged as you balance the demands of personal, professional, and academic life. Read on to discover WVJC’s top seven tips for how students can show self-love this Valentine’s Day! … Read more

7 Tips For Maintaining A Positive Mindset In Times Of Stress

As a new year begins, it is common for some to experience a mixture of emotions, including stress and anxiety, at the possibilities the year may bring. Recovering from the holiday rush and keeping up with resolutions can lead to a sense of overwhelm. At WVJC, we understand these challenges and are here to support … Read more

7 Tips For Job Searching

Explore These 7 Helpful Tips for Job Searching You’re almost done with your program!! Now what? As you find yourself on the cusp of completing your program, a world of opportunities and challenges awaits you in job hunting. The transition from academia to the professional world is a significant milestone, and to ensure you hit … Read more